by - 7:18 PM

Over two years passed. The plenty of commitment, work, ideas and sacrifices. Two years of building this blog from the beginning, from the zero, brick after brick as far as a house was made. The house which demands the care and the faith, to be able to become solid and grow in powers. Alterations, streamlining, improving, the unceasing effort, aspiration to the ideal, which still is unattainable. Getting readers, persons which like and want to come back to me, to read my texts. And in the end the biggest success. Achieving the threshold of ten million visits on my website and getting contact with people about which I would never even dare to think.
This is the time. Time, when it's necessary to finish one stage. Time, when it is necessary to do a forward step and to cross new limits, to start sinking new paths. It's the time to set off to unknown waters, and this, what old and well-known, just leave behind.
For years I dreamt of writing, it was my small secret wanting, of which which I was afraid to carry out. As far as in the end I dared. I tried. I established this blog, walking a tightrope, and seeing first results I believed. I believed I could something more. Therefore now, after two years from that moment, I decided to take the ultimate and crucial decision.
Along with the new year my blog will stop being the same blog which it was earlier. It is an end of being under the concern, end work for somebody. In 2018 I will come with my own conditions. Many situations during my blogging life proved me, that I could afford mine, that people appreciate me, appreciate what I do.
So it's time for closing the door behind myself with a thud and beginning new, strong story.

Along with the end of December 2017 ▶◀ will stop existing, and ▶◀ will be born. And only with such a www address you will be able to find me.

I hope, that with own name, building the private label I will be even stronger than so far. This change will be a milestone and filling the sails which will bring a lot good, and above all will let progress. Maybe it will be a step, to the greatest success? Who knows, I'm not going to give up, and the perseverance is bringing the biggest fruits. 

See you in a few days with news! 

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