Inner Voice.

by - 6:12 PM

A strong feeling that something is going on, that something is different, an inner voice that tells you that life will change completely, even if at first glance, it doesn't look so...

A quiet whisper from the depths of heart, saying many answers to the ear, which often turns into a loud scream of the subconscious, wanting to communicate to us an important message, which we don't realize, or we don't want to realize in real...

Its name is intuition. Everyone has it, but not everyone cares about it. Many people simply ignore, don't notice, don't recognize. Don't appreciate. Lots of people, despite the fact that they feel, sense that despite many contradictions something is going on, they strangle the thought inside, because it's impossible, it just has to seem to them, it can't be true, how something that intuition tells them can be a reality...
However most often, even if apparently nothing indicates it, premonitions which bite us somewhere from the inside and indicate irrational (in our opinion) things, are real. And if we listen to our inner voice, in many cases we  could easily notice that the premonition is not really just a strange premonition, but a reality that we didn't want or we were scared to notice  because it seemed too unreal, impossible to exist...
So if you feel and see that something is happening, but you think it just seems to you, because it's "impossible", most probably it doesn't just seem, because your subconscious catches up all signs, even if you consciously don't see it and then try to give it to you in the form of "strange" feelings.
So maybe it's the time to open your eyes to the world and let intuition speak?

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