London Holiday.

by - 11:38 PM

Hello everyone!
First of all - I know, I know, I failed. I haven't spoken to you here almost all of December, for what I am very sorry, but to be honest I couldn't sit down with my laptop and work on new posts, although I have plenty of stuff to describe and new photos and would like to show them to you, however, the lack of time has done its job. Currently, I'm going through a very difficult and busy period in my life, what is why I spent last time in... London, which is slowly becoming my new home. It was the first time in my life when the Christmas time passed to me in England. Although filled with a lot of activities, every day spent in the United Kingdom was something beautiful, at any moment I could feel the magic and atmosphere of London Christmas around me. Everywhere ornaments, lights, carolers, streets shimmering with a colorful glow, angels over our heads... Something amazing. There was no way that even the most overworked man wouldn't stop for a moment and not be impressed with the performance that was taking place around. However, I... Well, work, work, taking care of many things and only a few days left there for pleasure, such as total sacrificed to a loved one, without worries and bothering about other matters. At least these few moments in the holiday muddle could be spent only together. I hope that now you understand why I wasn't here, and if not yet, my next post will reveal to you the secret, why I have been so rare on the blog for a long time.

And now I'd like to wish you all the best in 2019, let your dreams come true, and the smile never come off your face. Happy New Year! 

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